Web Analytics

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Google Analytics
  • Predicts user behavior
  • Customer interaction reports
  • Collect, organize, and manage your data
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  • Website visitors detail
  • Ease explanation of reports
  • Quick loading and analysis
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  • User session recording
  • Check user event and action
  • Analyze user paths
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Why to use

Evaluate the behavior of your website visitors. The web analytics collects, measures, analyze the website data so can understand and optimize your web presence.

When to use

To understand your website visitors better by tracking, reviewing data to measure web activity, usage of various components, such as webpages, images and videos. E.g. it will indicate how many user visited, where they clicked and how they purchased the item.

How to use

Most analytics tools ‘tag’ their webpages by inserting a snippet of JavaScript in the web page’s code. You can seethe website activities and report on a dashboard.

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